
Wonderful Whales

This painting is called Catching Whales by J.E. Carl Rasmussen and was painted in 1875, probably around the time "Jack the Sailor" was around! 

                 Ahoy Artists! Let's draw some whales! 

                Click here to see the whale how-to I used.

Draw your whale in a setting


Where do the whales live? 
What's around the whale?
Think of 3 things that would be in your whale setting (or environment!).

Use the painting of the whaling ship and the whales for ideas, or draw your whales in their ocean home. You already know how to draw many sea-creatures! Add those into your setting!

Here's Ms. Defillippo's performing the folk song about Jack and the whale.


There are ACTUAL WHALES in this video and THEY ARE WONDERFUL! Just watch and wonder!


and if you really really love whales and want to see here !


Amazing Mallards!


          Painting of Mallards by John James Audubon
   Click here to see more facts about mallards and to hear their quack!


Here is a video of my Mallard family! Keep watching for some information about artist and ornithologist John Audubon!


      Here's a mallard-duck how-to video by an art teacher  who also knows a lot about mallards:

I made this Duck How-to for you! If it's Quack-O'Clock-it's time to draw some ducks!


Bonus Online Story: Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. 
(One of my favorite stories when I was a kid!)
If you have Amazon Prime it's here!

Sand Castles Together!

Happy Beach Day Rox Stars! Do you want to see a how-to and draw a sand castle? Well, you've come to right place! Grab your art partner and watch the video below to see how friends, Milo and Luke, built their sandcastle by working together !

Now watch me, and my art partner Reuben show you how to draw a sandcastle!

Here's a how-to, courtesy of Deep Space Sparkle:


We Saw and Draw Seahorses!

What Seahorse Saw by Robin Bernard
Pictures by Katherine Brown-Wing
Narrated by Ms. W. just for you!

Let's learn some Science Facts about seahorses!


Let's draw a seahorse!

👇 A Video: 👇

Let's draw seahorses together!

Seahorse How-tos:

Art Starts! The Treasure Chest Edition

        Iris The Tigress wants to take a peak in the Art Starts            Treasure Chest! 😊
                      👇 Watch the Video Below! 👇
      Hello Artists! Here are the Art Starts for this week: 

  • Draw, paint or build a truck full of candy!
  • What if a bird took you for a ride on their back?
  • Draw, paint or build the playground of your dreams!

Choose any or all and remember to add details to your artwork!

Post your artwork on The Art Studio Google Classroom!
Here is my Art Start crayon resist! 
What if a Bird took me for a ride on their back?
While I was drawing this-I felt like i could fly! Art can take you places!