
Bird Talk

                            Hello Roxbury Artists! 

Look outside! What do you see? I see birds! Birds in the trees, birds in the sky! 
Can you hear the birds? What do you hear? 
Birds have many songs and that's the way they talk to each other! 
Before we start our bird drawing, let's play a game called 
Bird Song Hero!

Now that you are a bird song hero, watch this video about a bird without a song called Whistleless. 
(Wait! Before you watch...what do you think the video is about, just by knowing the title?) Ok? Watch! 

Think About this: 
How was the bird in the video unique or special?
What shapes do you see that were used to create the bird? The people? The city?

Let's review The Elements of Art, because we will be using shapes and lines to create our bird.

There are many ways to draw a bird so remember, you can add your own ideas and style to make your bird unique.

After you draw your bird, write a story in only pictures (without words) about your bird and give your bird unique or special qualities or powers. Put yourself in the story! What adventures do you have with your bird?
Don't forget to share your art with Ms. W. by having an adult post to Dojo or Google Classroom!

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