Hi Roxbury Artists!
Let's talk about artists who write books. We call artists who write books, Author - Illustrators.Since we know that books can really inspire our imagination, we read lots of books in The Art Studio and at home.

Ashley Bryan is an author who we know from the book Beautiful Blackbird. Here is a video of him telling the story in a way that's called "call and response". You can join in the story with the other kids in the video. Click here!
Here is a video of Ashley Bryan talking about the importance of books in his life:
Reading Rockets YouTube channel has a whole section called "Meet the Author" !
Questions for You:
- Who is your favorite author, or author/illustrator?
- If you had a chance to meet, have a snack and hang out with your favorite author, what would you ask them?
- What do you want to know about them?
Faith Ringgold. I would love to know how she gets ideas for her stories! Does she think about her own life to get her inspiration? What made her start doing story quilts?
Hmmm. I think my next post will be all about
Faith Ringgold.
Stay tuned!
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